New Words:

scroll [skrəul]

Sample Sentences:

Dad held up a newspaper like a scroll.
Scroll down to the bottom of the document.
Ron unrolled the scroll and began to read.
Most Chinese pictures are painted on silk scrolls.

New Words:

chariot ['tʃæriət] n. (古代用于战斗或比赛的)双轮敞篷马车

Sample Sentences:

There is a picture of a fighter standing on a chariot on the wall.
The king told the chariot driver, 'Wheel around and get me out of the fighting. I've been wounded.'

New Words:

empire [ˈempaɪr] n. 帝国;大企业;企业集团
emperor ['empərər] n. 皇帝;帝王

Sample Sentences:

The ancient Romans extended their empire into Asia.
The British Empire once covered large parts of the world.

Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French.
The daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband.

New Words:

Rome [rәum] n.罗马
Roman ['rəʊmən] adj.罗马的 n.罗马人

Sample Sentences:

Rome was not build in a day.
An old Roman vase was dug up here last month.
The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.
A great Roman once said that if you want peace, prepare for war.

empire ['empaiə] n. 帝国;大企业;企业集团

New Words:

effort [ˈefərt] n. 努力;尽力;成就;气力

Sample Sentences:

Your success lies upon your effort.
It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box.
You should put more effort into your work.
I'll make an effort to be the kind of man you want.
It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.