New Words:

wide [waɪd] adj. 宽的;宽阔的
foot feet 英尺
一英尺 = 25.4毫米

Sample Sentences:

Sam has a wide mouth.
How wide is that stream?
The hole is 2 feet long, 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep.

New Words:

slipper [ˈslɪpər] 拖鞋
a pair of slippers 一双拖鞋

Sample Sentences:

Can I borrow your slipper?
The slipper doesn't fit so right.
I often wear slipper in my garden.

New Words:

glow [ɡləʊ] 发出微弱而稳定的光;发出暗淡的光
glowwatch 夜光表
worm [wɜːrm] 蠕虫
glowworm ['ɡloʊ.wɜrm] 萤火虫
firefly [ˈfaɪərflaɪ] 萤火虫

Sample Sentences:

The magic key is growing.
The glowworm isn't a worm.

New Words:

special [ˈspeʃl] adj. 特殊的;特别的;不寻常的;不一般的
nothing special 没什么特别的;一般,马马虎虎
handshake [ˈhændʃeɪk] 握手

Sample Sentences:

She's a very special friend.
The food was ok, but nothing special.
He will teach you a special handshake.
I think you're a really special person and a great friend.

New Words:

flag [flæɡ] 旗;旗帜
national flag 国旗
First of all 首先

Sample Sentences:

The national flag is flying in the air.
What are the colors of our national flag?
She waved the red flag for the car to stop.
First of all, please all rise, raising the national flag.