New Words:

defeat [dɪˈfiːt]

Sample Sentences:

You can't defeat me.
A mouse could never defeat a cat.
No one can defeat you but you defeat yourself.
I will remember this defeat and I will pay you back.

New Words:

alike [əˈlaɪk] adj. 相像;十分相似
gloves [glʌvz] (分手指的)手套
mittens [ˈmɪtənz] 连指手套

Sample Sentences:

They even dressed alike.
My sister and I do not look alike.
He stuck his gloves in his pocket.
It's so cold outside that she had to put on her gloves.
Put on mittens and go outside, but don't forget to put on your boots and scarf.

New Words:

twins [twɪnz] 孪生儿之一;双胞胎之一
toboggan [təˈbɒɡən] n.长雪橇;平底长雪橇

Sample Sentences:

Jason and Andy are twins.
I can never tell the difference between the twins.
The twins are so alike, it's difficult to tell the difference.

alike [əˈlaɪk] adj. 相像;十分相似

New Words:

whether [ˈweðər] 是否;不管;无论;会不会

Sample Sentences:

I'll see whether she's at home
I'm not sure whether I should tell you this.
I'm coming to see you whether you're ready or not.

New Words:

alive [əˈlaɪv] adj. 在世;意识到;活着;情绪饱满

Sample Sentences:

Is your mother still alive ?
She had to steal food just to stay alive.
Doctors kept the baby alive for six weeks.
We don't know whether he's alive or dead.

whether [ˈweðər] 是否;不管;无论;会不会