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New Words:

prison [ˈprɪzn] n. 监狱;牢狱;看守所

cell [sel] n. 牢房,囚室
prison cell n. 牢房,囚室

prisoner [ˈprɪznər] 囚犯;犯人

Sample Sentences:

He was sent to prison for five years.
I heard Tom was in the prison. Don't you worry about him?

I need you to watch the prisoner tonight.

New Words:

sharp [ʃɑːrp] 锋利的;锐利的;
even [ˈiːvn] adv. 甚至,连,即使

Sample Sentences:

She gave me some sharp knives.
They have sharp teeth to catch fishes.
Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the paper.

It was cold there even in summer.
I'll get there, even if I have to walk.
She didn't even say goodbye to her mother.

New Words:

point [pɔɪnt] 点;观点;要点;重点
pointed [ˈpɔɪntɪd] adj. 尖的;有尖头的;尖锐的

Sample Sentences:

Let's move to the next point.
Can you explain that point again?
Look at the point of the pencil.

It is a sharp, pointed weapon.

sharp [ʃɑːrp] 锋利的;锐利的;

New Words:

robe [rəʊb] 袍服,礼袍
weapon [ˈwepən] n. 武器;兵器
broom [bruːm] n. 扫把;扫帚

Sample Sentences:

This robe is so soft and comfortable.

Drop your weapon!
Put the weapon on the ground!

Please give that broom to me.
Please sweep the floor with a broom.

New Words:

power [ˈpaʊər] 权力;控制力;影响力;动力;能量
powerful [ˈpaʊərfl] 强大的;有权势的;强有力的

Sample Sentences:

Wind power is cleaner than coal.
I will do everything in my power to help you.

Eason is a rich and powerful man.
English will be a powerful weapon in my life!
You're a powerful man,people will listen to you.

weapon [ˈwepən] n. 武器;兵器