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New Words:

cigarette [ˈsɪɡəret] n. 香烟

Sample Sentences:

The end of his cigarette glowed red.
How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
The floor of the car was covered in cigarette ends.
He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.

New Words:

ignore [ɪɡˈnɔːr] v. 忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬

Sample Sentences:

Ignore what he said ─ it doesn't mean a thing.
I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.
He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.
Why did you ignore me yesterday when you saw me in the street?

cigarette [ˈsɪɡəret] n. 香烟

New Words:

discuss [dɪˈskʌs] v. 讨论;谈论;商量

Sample Sentences:

We need to discuss when we should go.
We discussed everything ─ when to go, what to see and so on.
May you excuse me for a while, I wanna discuss this problem with you.
Read these sentences. What do you think they might mean? Discuss with your classmates.

New Words:

mustard [ˈmʌstərd] n. 芥末
bowl [boʊl] n. 碗;钵;盆

Sample Sentences:

Mix the mustard, olive oil in a bowl.
Give me a hot dog, but hold the mustard.
Excuse me, what does mustard taste like?
Your dog should have his own bowls for food and water.

olive [ˈɒlɪv] n. 橄榄

New Words:

gross [ɡroʊs] adj. 令人不快的;令人恶心的;使人厌恶的

Sample Sentences:

Don't pick your nose. It's gross.
What's this stuff? It looks gross.
‘He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!’
Don't you feel that the airport food is expensive and gross?

mustard [ˈmʌstərd] n. 芥末