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New Words:

slug [slʌɡ] n. 鼻涕虫; 蛞蝓
snail [sneɪl] n. 蜗牛
shell [ʃel] n. 壳; 外壳

Sample Sentences:

Slugs and snails feed at night.
The snail is pushing out its horns.
Most snails have shells on their backs.
My daughter screamed when she saw a slug.
Turtle pulled her head and feet inside her shell.

scream [skriːm]

New Words:

relieve [rɪˈliːv] v. 减轻;缓解;缓和

relieved [rɪˈliːvd]

Sample Sentences:

This medicine will relieve your headache.
I really want to help you to relieve some pain.
Take a break. It will help clear your mind and relieve pressure.

I'm relieved to hear that he's all right now.
At last he was out of danger. Everyone felt relieved.

press [pres] n. 按;压
pressure [ˈpreʃər] n. 压力; 挤压

New Words:

lick [lɪk]

puddle [ˈpʌdl] n. 水坑;水洼

Sample Sentences:

The dog licked up water in a puddle.
I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet.
The children licked their lips as the cake was cut.

He gave the stamp a lick.
Can I have a lick of your ice cream?

New Words:

crawl [krɔːl] v. 爬;爬行;匍匐行进

Sample Sentences:

We learn to crawl before we learn to walk.
He watched the baby crawl across the room.
A man was crawling away from the burning house.

New Words:

reason [ˈriːzn] n.原因;理由;道理

Sample Sentences:

She gave no reasons for her decision.
He said no but he didn't give a reason .
Give me one good reason why I should help you.
We have reason to believe that he was murdered.