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New Words:

no wonder 难怪;怪不得;不足为怪

Sample Sentences:

No wonder no one's here – it's not a working day!
The door was locked, no wonder you couldn't open it.
No wonder you can't find anybody here; they're all away at a meeting.

New Words:

odd [ɒd] adj. 古怪的;奇怪的;怪异的;反常的;奇数的,单数的

Sample Sentences:

Five and nine are odd numbers.
There's something odd about that man.
The odd thing was that he didn't recognize me.
Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out?

New Words:

terrible [ˈterəbl] adj. 可怕的;糟糕的;非常严重的;令人讨厌的;身体不舒服的

Sample Sentences:

What terrible weather!
I feel terrible─I think I'll go to bed.
Unlike my sister, I am a terrible cook.
I think you've made a terrible mistake.
The government didn't allow reporting the terrible accident.

New Words:

actual [ˈæktʃuəl] adj.真实的;实际的;事实上的
actually [ˈæktʃuəli] adv. 实际上;事实上;说实在的

Sample Sentences:

What were his actual words?
What's the actual color of a zebra's skin?
The actual cost was higher than we expected.

We're not American, actually. We're Canadian.
This suitcase looks heavy but actually it is very light.
Actually, I'm busy at the moment ─ can I call you back?

New Words:

flip [flip] v. 翻转;轻抛,轻掷

Sample Sentences:

The plane flipped and crashed.
Nancy flipped the egg over in the pan.
Let's flip a coin to decide who should go first - do you want heads or tails?