Daddy 发布的文章

New words:

flea [fli:] n. 跳蚤
itchy ['itʃi] adj. 发痒的

Sample Sentences:

Some people like to go shopping at flea market.
I must have been bitten by a flea, my arms are itchy.

I can't reach the itchy place on my back.
I find that new shirts always make my skin feel itchy.

New words:

tan [tæn]

Sample Sentences:

My brother tans very fast.
These shoes are tan, not dark brown.
Sun and wind had tanned the sailor's face.
He looked tanned and well rested after his vacation.

New words:

amber ['æmbə]

Sample Sentences:

You should stop at an amber light.
Would you like an amber necklace for your birthday?
The traffic lights changed from green to amber to red.

New words:

ginger ['dʒindʒə] n.生姜;姜黄色

Sample Sentences:

He's called "Ginger" because of his bright ginger hair.
Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them roast for thirty minutes.

New words:

floppy ['flɔpi] adj. 松散下垂的;耷拉的;松软的

Sample Sentences:

She was wearing a big floppy hat.
This material's too floppy for a jacket.
An African elephant has large floppy ears.