Daddy 发布的文章

New Words:

ago [əˈɡoʊ] 以前
Long long ago 很久很久以前

Sample Sentences:

Her parents died a long time ago.
Long long ago, a frog lived in a well.
He married his wife Jane 37 years ago.
She joined the company three months ago.

well 井;水井
company [ˈkʌmpəni] 公司

New Words:

take a breath 吸气
hold your breath 屏气
catch your breath 喘口气

bad breath 口臭
fresh breath 清新的口气
deep breath 深呼吸

Sample Sentences:

Smoking gives you bad breath.
Don't smoke, keep fresh breath.
Hold your breath or he will find us.
Please wait a minute, let me catch my breath.
I held the flower up to my nose and took a deep breath.
Every morning I open the window and take a breath of fresh air.

New Words:

breathe [briːð] v. 呼吸;呼出
breath [breθ] n. 呼吸的空气;一次吸入的空气

Sample Sentences:

Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
She was beginning to breathe more easily.
You can take a walk and breathe fresh air in the garden.

Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater.
Stay relaxed and breathe in and out slowly. Make sure you don't hold your breath.

relax [rɪˈlæks] v. 放松
relaxed [rɪˈlækst] adj. 放松的
make sure 确保

New Words:

receive [rɪˈsiːv] 接收;收到;接到
resend [riː'send] 重新发送;再送
mail [meɪl] n.&v. 邮件;信件
email [ˈiːmeɪl] n.&v. 电子邮件

Sample Sentences:

Did you receive the email that I sent a few days ago?
I do not receive your message, please resend it to me.
Can you send her an email,she did not receive the letter?

ago [əˈɡoʊ] 以前

New Words:

message [ˈmesɪdʒ] 信息,消息;(手机)短信息

Sample Sentences:

He sent me a message yesterday.
Did she leave a message before she went?
There were no messages for me at the hotel.
Sorry, she isn't here at the moment. Can I take a message for her?