
New words:

necessary ['nesə.səri] adj. 必需的;必要的;必然的;无法避免的

Sample Sentences:

Oxygen is necessary for life.
It's necessary for us to study hard.
It may be necessary to buy a new one.
If necessary, we can always change the date of our trip.

New words:

soil [sɔil] n. 土壤;土地;国土;领土

Sample Sentences:

He died on British soil.
That farm has a very rich soil.
She makes her living from the soil.
Some soils are not suitable for farming.
Press the soil flat with the back of a spade.

New words:

decade ['dekeid] n. 十年

Sample Sentences:

We've been married a decade.
Nine years plus one year equals a decade.
Prices have risen steadily during the past decade
It will be at least another decade before we know if he was right.

New words:

colleague ['kɔli:g] n. 同事;同行;同僚

Sample Sentences:

I had a colleague who died decades ago.
My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking.
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.

decade ['dekeid] n. 十年

New words:

innocent ['inəsnt] adj. 无辜的;清白的;无罪的;无辜受害的;无知的, 天真纯洁的

Sample Sentences:

He insisted he was innocent.
He declared that he was innocent.
Don't be so innocent as to believe everything you hear.