
tooth teeth brush my teeth
face wash my face
hair wash my hair
finger nail fingernail toe toenail
young old age baby kid child children
listen music musician read look see
draw drew find name middle last ask answer question
first name middle name last name family name
snow rain stars favorite food juice Coke
forest fire wood woods shoot bamboo bamboo shoots
welcome back coffee teach teacher study student
English math maths mathematics mathematician
look for
look like
climb on
climb up
jump on
jump off
furniture naughty log
become became
comma full stop
sink sinking feeling feel felt hundred
king queen prince princess princesses
weather silly


zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty
fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand

holiday vacation summer vacation winter vacation
hot cold hot dog

first second minute hour third fourth fifth
sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

January February March April May June July
August September October November December

tidy tidied tidier tidiest untidy
grumpy shine shining sunshine
knight will pond coat radio
fever cold toothache dentist
by shed stream bridge fall
band city cities more most



genius calorie break paper
tortoise purple drop roll parent

apple banana pear peach tree orange watermelon
strawberry straw pineapple pine mango pitaya
milk beef steak beefsteak bread fruit breadfruit
noodle dumpling ice icecream
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
today tomorrow yesterday
morning noon after afternoon evening
spring summer autumn winter season

rose seed grow grew grown
leaf leaves rainbow
lose lost Mrs dear weight
report weather report school report
jungle mosquito mosquitos mosquitoes
bite bit bitten because myself


ball football basket basketball print footprint
school bag schoolbag China Chinese
open close door window wind cloud dark dark clouds
this that these those and or
sit down stand up please

paint painter paintbrush
huge volcano height
safe salamander lizard
race begin began move win won
drop stuck reed weed stick past
swan land airport rink skate sat
hold held bump people still round
hear heard police earth person spin spun
roll need them parent rest
worn out
take a rest = have a rest

genius calorie break paper tortoise purple


phone telephone call cell cellphone mobile mobile phone
sleep wall sleepy sleeping sleepwalk home family house
town work sick land land animals landmark
hometown homework homesick homeland motherland
new old news paper newspaper
day week month year
must joke chopsticks serious seriously
steel tap tapped tap water
smoke sweep swept
snowman snowball roof
fall fell heself
dress up
carnival busy trailer lady ladies gentleman gentlemen
break broke broke down